Tuesday 16 February 2010


Izzie came along on my haircut adventure today and was very good - mostly she sat in her pram in shock as scissors snipped, pages turned, cups of tea chinked and hairdressers gossiped .... that was until the hairdresser accidently turned the hot hair dryer on her and it was all over red rover.

The hairdresser ever so politely asked if I would like Izzie's mullet trimmed (it was getting to the point where she was being stopped in the street & asked if she was an Aussie Rules player : ) so up she hopped on my lap like a seasoned pro and 3 snips later she has a little bob. I got to take home 3 pieces of blond hair in an envelope ... aaah my little girl is growing up : ).

Today is pancake day and I made wheat free, dairy free, egg free pancakes - what's left? sugar??!! Needless to say they were disgusting and Izzie refused to eat my teddy shaped creations - don't blame her really : )

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