George Du Toit at Guy's & St Thomas' Hospitals.
The test involves putting tiny bits of food or synthetic substitutes on her arm then pricking it with a pin to see if a hive comes up - if a hive does appear it means that she is allergic to the substance. Nurse Linda made it really fun!
Photo's = Mushroom reaction about 9 months (She literally blew up like a mushrooms with hives everywhere including her eye lids & ears!, Skin prick test on her arm & Banana reaction about 21 months.
Izzie's allergy list continues to grow with the addition of apple, banana, pineapple & kiwifruit. I used to get upset that she didn't eat my wonderful apple puree but now I know why!
Currently Allergy List
Peanuts, Cashews, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Pea's, Wheat, Rye, Spelt, Cow's Milk - Raw, Cow's Milk -Boiled, Raw Egg White, Cooked Egg White, Egg Yolk, Soy, Mushrooms, Blueberries, Watermelon, Tuna, Salmon, Tomato, Grass Pollen Mix, Kiwifruit, Apple, Banana & Pineapple
The doctor advised that people will think I am an overprotective weirdo saying that my daughter has so many allergies. One or two allergies is acceptable & believable but not a shopping list worth : ) Hope she grows out of some soon!
Ohh boooooooo :( Hugs Izzie xoxox